All words in dictionary java
All words in dictionary java

all words in dictionary java

The syntax it uses is much like that of C/C++, …Įnglish Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms JAVA - Java is a computer programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.Java is a general purpose programming language with a number of features …ĭAX English Glossary of Key Connectivity Terms JAVA - A high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems.JAVA - Platform independent programming language, also suitable for mobile devices, see J2ME Java was developed by the SUN corporation.Internet Terms and Acronyms English vocab JAVA - A programming language developed by Sun Microsystems based on C++.Java is a Web programming language supporting inline multimedia effects,such as ….JAVA - A programming (a slow running derivative of C++) language also known as "Hot Java" from Sun Microsystems that is designed ….JAVA - An object-oriented language originally developed at Sun by James Gosling (and known by the name "Oak") with the intention of ….Most Common Acronyms and Abbreviations English vocabulary JAVA - Just Another Vague Acronym :-) For more possible definitions for JAVA, click here ©1988-2002, All Rights Reserved,.JAVA - (After the Indonesian island, a source of programming fluid ) A simple, object-oriented, ….Lying southeast of Sumatra, it is Indonesia's fourth largest island, … Modular object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995 specifically for the Internet.

All words in dictionary java software#

  • JAVA - noun COLLOCATIONS FROM CORPUS ■ VERB make ▪ Another is that software companies are just beginning to release helper software ….
  • all words in dictionary java

    JAVA - noun PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIES Internet-enabled/Java-enabled etc EXAMPLES FROM OTHER ENTRIES ▪ a cup of java EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS ▪ ….( TRADEMARK ) N-UNCOUNTĬollins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary It is used especially in creating websites. JAVA - Java is a computer programming language.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English JAVA - Java BrE AmE ˈdʒɑːv ə ˈdʒæv ə -in American English the computer language is ˈdʒɑːv ə, and this is ….JAVA - also spelled Djawa, or Jawa Indonesian island lying southeast of Malaysia and Sumatra, south of Borneo (Kalimantan), and west of ….Origin C19: from the fact that coffee is grown on the … JAVA - noun java coffee, a kind of coffee brought from java.Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary JAVA - noun Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Java, island of Indonesia Date: 1850 : coffee.Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary ) Java coffee, a kind of coffee brought from Java. JAVA - (n.) Java coffee, a kind of coffee brought from Java.Webster's New International English Dictionary ˈjävə, ˈjavə, ˈjȧvə adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: from Java, island in Indonesia : of or from the island …

    all words in dictionary java

    JAVA - I Modular programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995 specifically for the Internet.More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «JAVA» in dictionaries. English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon.

    All words in dictionary java